

Allesley Park Walled Garden

Latest News

Raise funds for a circular bench

The Allesley Park Walled Garden Group is proposing to raise funds for a new feature through a public appeal and we are glad to announce that the city council has granted the proposal.

The new feature is a circular bench beneath the service tree at the “cross roads” in the garden that will surely be welcomed by those pausing for a moment or two with their loved ones on their walk around the garden.

We are hoping all the visitors have a chance to enjoy the garden and have a relaxing sitting area to enjoy the tranquil of the garden with their loved ones.

If you wish to donate for the circular bench, you can come by the garden pavilion on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday mornings (between 10-12 noon) while gardeners are working. A receipt will be provided. Alternatively, write a cheque in favour of APWGG, and send it to 77 Craven Street, Coventry CV5 8DT (please state that the cheque is for the bench and include your name and address). A list of donors will be displayed in the pavilion to show our great appreciation.

iNaturalist Training

The Allesley Park Walled Garden Group is pleased to work with City Nature Challenge Coventry and Warwickshire this year. An event is called iNaturalist Training which is held at the Walled Garden from 1-2 pm on 20th April. It is a free session. Everyone is welcome. Please see the details on our Events page.

We will all miss you.

We were all proud of the Wigwam that we built for the Walled Garden and will now be greatly missed. In past years, we saw all the young kids and the parents enjoy it so much when they visited the garden. All the waves of laughter and smiles made all of our volunteers proud.

Sadly, the wigwam was completely trashed, pulled apart and scattered all over the area on 14th Jan. Around that time, there was an adult and several kids who looked 5-7ish up near the area that was present and we have had similar incidents of suspicious activities being reported in the past few days prior to the day we discovered the destruction of our wigwam.

Please look out for your children when they visit and make sure to bring your rubbish to the bin outside of the gate. We have also found there was rubbish in our wormery the other day.

The community garden needs your support and help to keep it tidy and enjoyable for all. Thank you for your cooperation.

We are pleased to announce that a new wigwam will be assembled this year.

Thank you all for dropping by and donating in 2023. Your visits, kind donations and valuable comments can be the best rewards for our volunteers in Allesley Park Walled Garden Group and the community. You have certainly made our day especially when all of our volunteers were working under the hot sunny days or wintry showers. We are looking forward to seeing you visit in 2024 and continuing to make our Walled Garden grow and blossom. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Our first event Wassailing, is always popular with our community members. Hope to see you and your loved ones join us at 10:30 am on Saturday, January 6, 2024. You are also welcome to bring the pots and instruments to join us sing songs and make big noises to scare off any evil spirits and also wake up the trees so they will give a good crop.

Allesley Park Walled Garden Group hope you all have had a lovely summer break. The famous Coventry Local Heritage Week is approaching. We are arranging an event for you and your loved ones and it’s called Heritage Meets Pollinators from 10 am to 4 pm on 9th September. Plenty of wildflowers, bees, moths, and flies for you to explore in the Walled Garden. The valuable information of the historic house, park and walled garden are also displaying in our Pavilion.

Welcome to see you all at the event.

Thank you for attending the Walled Garden Picnic Event. I hope you all had a lovely time with your loved ones. It was so great to have our MP Miss Taiwo Owatemi with us at the event to support our activities. The winners of the naming scarecrows competition have been contacted directly by our chairman Mrs. Nina Kennedy. Hope to see you all at our September event.

Employee Volunteer Project

Employee Volunteer project with the energy company, Shell, which is helping the Walled Garden with scything, orchard maintenance and weeding at our vegetable garden on the day. All the volunteers were working hard and we all enjoyed the day of having the group with us. Thank you for all of you attending.

Walled Garden in summer

Tree Adoption

The Walled Garden Group introduce a new lifetime tree adoption sponsorship only for £10. You can choose one of your favourite trees in the orchard and pay annually or as a lifetime sponsor. The details of the tree’s name and location are provided for your reference. Just pop in and ask one of our members to get the information. Contact one of our members to discuss your choice, once you have decided to join. Confirmation of joining the tree adoption and further information about the orchard will be sent to you through emails.

Sowing season

Our spring sowing

Tree adoption in our orchard

Which tree is your favourite? Can you find where yours is?

Scarecrow Theme

Great crafts from our member’s effort

We have updated some spectacular features in the children play area. Don’t forget to bring your youngsters to visit their favourite spot.

Bug Hotel and Wormery

Greens donated by Allesley Hall Nursing Home.

The wormery providing top quality compost and liquid fertiliser.

Harvest season

Some of our produces have been harvested and been displayed on the shelf by the entrance gate. Welcome to visit the Walled Garden and choose your favourite vegetables and plants. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.